
Havening unlinks negative emotions from memory. This allows for the planting and future growth of positive emotions…

Havening with Dr Sandy Dinsdale

I was a GP for 30 years. My clinical roles in primary health care include family medicine, integrative medicine, care of older people, and prisoner health. I resigned my medical registration in 2021 in order to focus fully on complementary medicine. I am a Havening Practitioner and Registered Homeopath/ Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) Practitioner. Many years of experience in conventional medicine and homeopathy have confirmed my understanding that dis-ease always involves the whole person. Human beings are much more than the sum of our parts. A holistic approach including mind, body, and spirit is essential for optimal health.

Becoming a Havening Practitioner and witnessing the power of Havening Techniques to enhance our natural ability to heal, has been an extraordinary unparalleled experience for me. Utilising the neuroscience of mind-body healing, Havening releases the grip of stress and trauma from the past, empowering us to create the future we deserve. Havening Techniques are gentle, non-intrusive, and effective. The HT method ensures that clients are safe at all times and in control of their own healing. As clients we intuitively direct the path, setting the pace of our own healing process. Being in control includes choosing either to have the Practitioner apply Havening Touch, or apply Havening Touch yourself.

Consultations are available in person at my clinic in Tauranga or online via Skype or Doxy.

What is Havening?

Havening Techniques® are a form of psychosensory therapy using physical touch applied in the area of the upper arms, hands, and face. The gentle therapeutic touch changes the dominant electrical brain frequencies to slow waves, known as delta waves. In adults delta brainwaves usually occur only during slow wave sleep, when learning is consolidated. Havening also promotes the release of natural chemical messengers (serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine and GABA), creating a sense of well-being.

Havening Touch enhances neuroplasticity, the brain’s natural ability to remove negative emotional programming from the past and allows us to be fully present in life. The resolution of stress and trauma occurs during havening, through the unlinking of negative emotions associated with past events. This creates space for positive emotions which enhance the psychological immune system, creating resilience and resourcefulness.

Havening Touch can be applied by yourself under the practitioner’s guidance, or by the practitioner.

What  Types of Problems Can Havening be Used for?

The consequences of traumatic encoding can be physical and psychological. Havening has been shown to help with:

  • Phobias

  • Chronic pain

  • Distressing memories (broken relationships, shocking news, loss, embarrassment, etc.)

  • Victims of natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, etc.) and man-made (war, fire, assault, home intrusion, etc.)

  • Anger &  Fear of abandonment

  • Stress              

  • Self Esteem

  • Cravings

  • PTS & PTSD

  • Panic attacks

  • Sexual abuse

  • Performance enhancement (public speaking, sports)

  • Emotional eating

Dr Kate Truitt, PhD. MBA

Is a licensed clinical psychologist, applied neuroscientist, and internationally recognised expert in the neuroscience of trauma, stress, and resilience.

The Havening touches: Face, Palms, and Upper Arms

Havening Touch can be applied by the practitioner, or clients can apply Havening Touch to themselves. Self-Havening is a pleasant effective technique for self healing.

Science article by Dr Ronald A. Ruden  

“Harnessing Electroceuticals to Treat Disorders Arising From Traumatic Stress: Theoretical Considerations Using A Psychosensory Model.”

Dr Sandy Dinsdale is a Certified Practitioner of HaveningTechniques.

Havening Techniques is a registered trade mark of Ronald Ruden, 15East 91st Street, New York. www.havening.org

Havening Techniques were developed in the USA by Dr Ronald Rudin, a Medical Internist with a PhD in Biochemistry, and his brother Dr Steven Rudin, Dental Surgeon. Together they created:

“Better Living Through Neuroscience”

Consultations by Appointment

271A Grange Rd, Tauranga 3110

New Zealand

© 2022 Tauranga Holistic Health

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