Dr Sandy Dinsdale shares insights about life, health,               & the law of similars…

7. The Problem with Trauma

Traumatic memories are encoded differently to memories that are not experienced as traumatic. When trauma is experienced, the emotional brain (the limbic system), becomes activated in order to protect us from future harm. An important part of the limbic system, called the amygdala, produces a heightened emotional state. The amygdala responds to mental and sensory stimuli, faster than the blink of an eye. Examples of mental stimuli, include thoughts and emotions. Sensory stimuli can be internal (eg changes in heart rate, breathing, or body temperate), or external, in the environment. The limbic system is a primitive survival mechanism, that allows us to react more rapidly than if we needed to think first. These reactions are commonly known as “fight, flight or freeze” responses.

Humanity has evolved a survival mechanism that gives priority to safety over health and well-being. The result is Post-traumatic stress (PTS), a form of hypersensitivity caused by trauma. Havening Techniques™ are a group of non-intrusive psycho-sensory interventions using gentle therapeutic touch. Havening Touch acts via the amygdala, to calm the brain, and unlink the emotional reactivation of past trauma.  

Dr SandyDinsdale is a Certified Practitioner of Havening Techniques. HaveningTechniques is a registered trade mark of Ronald Ruden, 15 East 91st Street, NewYork. www.havening.org

6. Faces - Energy in Form

Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, discovered three primary patterns of predisposition to disease, called miasms. These are expressed in nature as the three directions of energetic force or motion ( Blog 5).

Each of the three directions of motion are expressed through the size, position, and geometry of prominent facial features and lines. The analysis of facial features indicates which single direction, or combination of directions, are dominant for that person. In addition to the three single energetic motions, there are four combinations of interacting motion, making seven in total. One of the seven patterns of energetic motion is dominant for each person throughout life. Our faces grow, age and change within the same pattern according to inherited (genetic), and environmental (epigenetic) influences. The same  dominant pattern is expressed through a person’s basic survival instincts. When out of balance, our patterns of response to a multitude of environmental stressors increases susceptibility to illness.

In practice, facial analysis allows for the use of homeopathic remedies that match both the totality of an illness, and the underlying energetic pattern (miasm). 

5. Directions of Energetic Motion

Our experience of three dimensional physical reality is the result of a multitude of life forms developing from, and living on a planet in constant motion through space. We experience this steady consistent motion of matter through space as time. From a big picture perspective, it’s clear that there are only three single directions of energetic motion in action. The first is the outward centrifugal motion of expansion (Time). Second, is the rotational circular motion of containment (Space). Third, is the inward contracting motion of mass that creates gravity (Matter). These three directions correspond directly to height, width, and depth. At a subatomic level they exist as electrons, neutrons, and protons. The three forces of motion interact constantly to maintain balance, and protect the integrity of all life forms. It follows, that our bodies also express the three directions of energy motion through physical form. As a result, every human face expresses a unique combination of the same three directions of energy motion.

4. Totality is Holistic

Homeopathy is a holistic therapeutic system based on the Law of Similars (Blog 2). In practice this means that homeopathic remedies are given that most closely match what homeopaths call the totality of a person’s illness. Totality takes into account each person’s physical, general, mental and emotional symptoms, because illness and imbalance at any level always affects the whole person.

This is why homeopaths book longer appointment times, and need to gather so much information about an individual’s wellbeing and sensitivity to a multitude of environmental stressors that can lead to imbalance and illness. Some examples include: sensitivity to allergens, foods and toxins, response to viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms, injuries, medical interventions and trauma, reactivity to temperature and climate changes, susceptibility to mental and emotional stressors.

3. Minimum Doses

Homeopathic remedies are extracted from plant, mineral, animal or human materials. They are then manufactured using a process of potentisation, with multiple stepwise dilutions and vigorous shaking of an alcohol and water mixture. Remedy potencies of 12C and higher do not contain any particles of the original substance, so there is no risk of a remedy being toxic or causing illness. This is why homeopathy can be used safely by people at any age.

Doses are most commonly taken as liquid drops or sugar pilules, that have been soaked with medicating liquid. The non-material nature of homeopathic remedies means that they do not interact with conventional medicines, herbs or supplements. Homeopathic remedies are energetic minimum doses that interact energetically with a person’s Vital Force or Life Energy (Blog 1).

See Medicine with Meaning, Chapter 3 - The Infinitesimal Dose.

2.  Law of Similars

Dr Samuel Hahnemann developed Homeopathy based on his observation that Like Cures Like. Quinine, made from bark of the Cinchona tree, was used at the time to treat an illness now recognised as malaria. He took small doses of quinine regularly and experienced symptoms that were remarkably similar to malaria. His symptoms quickly resolved when he stopped taking quinine. By experimentation he discovered that tiny doses of a substance that caused symptoms in a healthy person could be used by a person experiencing similar symptoms, to rebalance their energy. Hahnemann observed that this assisted recovery and the restoration of health. He named the system of Homeopathy from the words homos, meaning similar, and pathos, meaning suffering.

Through further experimentation Hahnemann discovered that the effects of a substance were maintained during a process of stepwise dilution and vigorous shaking called potentising. He went on to test and potentise over 100 other substances. These homeopathic remedies are still in use all over the world today.

See Medicine with Meaning, Chapter 2 - A Brief History of Homeopathy.

1.  The Vital Force

Dr Samuel Hahnemann (1755 - 1843), was the founder of Homeopathy. He observed that negative influences can drain a person’s life energy and produce disease. He found that restoring life energy assisted recovery and the restoration of health. Hahnemann named this energy, the vital force. Essential to life, the vital force governs and animates the physical body to maintain optimum energy balance and optimum health.

In life, the vital force (energy body) and the physical body are fully interconnected, interactive, and interdependent. When death occurs the vital force separates from the physical body, and the person, animal, or plant is no longer alive. In medical terms, for humans this equates to the absence of heart function, or in some cases, brain function.

Understanding that all humans and all other living things have an energy body and a physical body is the key to understanding homeopathy, and the basis of life in general.

See Medicine with Meaning, Chapter 4 - The Vital Force.

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